發表時間 文章標題 人氣 留言
2017-05-22 置頂 What makes stone so special?~By Aplus美語 (7) (0)
2017-05-10 置頂 What a perfectionist means ~By Aplus美語 (16) (0)
2017-05-08 置頂 If you have something to invent for humans... ~By Aplus美語 (29) (0)
2017-05-03 置頂 Be nicer to others ~By APLUS美語 (13) (0)
2017-05-01 置頂 How to secure a relatively high score in writing test? ~By Aplus美語 (12) (0)
2017-04-26 置頂 Let us help the youths ~By Aplus美語 (12) (0)
2017-04-24 置頂 Confidence ~By Aplus美語 (10) (0)
2017-04-21 置頂 How to master English~ By Aplus美語 (14) (0)
2017-04-18 置頂 Let curiosity lead to your happier life ~By Aplus美語 (10) (0)
2017-04-12 置頂 Aplus美語老師根據大學指考的模擬試題所寫的作答 (60) (1)
2017-04-10 置頂 Describe a person who means a lot to you...~By Aplus美語 (124) (0)
2017-04-07 置頂 Homage: the key to harmony ~By Aplus美語 (9) (0)
2017-04-05 置頂 Painting and English writing~ By Aplus美語 (13) (0)
2017-03-29 置頂 An organic farmer ~By Aplus美語 (23) (0)
2017-03-27 置頂 Don’t have too many minds. ~By APLUS美語 (11) (0)
2017-03-22 置頂 Be kind to others ~By Aplus美語 (11) (0)
2017-03-20 置頂 Ongoing efforts ~By APLUS美語 (15) (0)
2017-03-15 置頂 If you have a special dream, what could it... ~By APLUS美語 (18) (0)
2017-03-13 置頂 The key to success: mania ~By APLUS美語 (14) (0)
2017-03-10 置頂 Writing and me ~By APLUS美語 (9) (0)
2017-03-08 置頂 How to confront our life ~By APLUS美語 (10) (0)
2017-03-06 置頂 狂賀!!!本班學員於106年學測英文考科榮獲優異成績 (256) (0)
2017-03-01 置頂 The reason to breathe ~By APLUS美語 (15) (0)
2017-02-27 置頂 Art cannot alter the world, but it can change... ~By APLUS美語 (8) (0)
2017-02-22 置頂 狂賀!!!本班學員Stark參加學校朗讀比賽榮獲全校”第二名” (22) (0)
2017-02-20 置頂 Between both supermarket and traditional market... ~By APLUS美語 (46) (0)
2017-02-15 置頂 How can you be happier? ~By APLUS美語 (57) (0)
2017-02-13 置頂 Slow-paced killer-PM2.5 ~By APLUS美語 (29) (0)
2017-02-10 置頂 狂賀!!!本班學員Yolanda參加學校朗讀比賽榮獲全校”第一名” (50) (0)
2017-02-06 置頂 A solid English writing skill can be your niche. ~By APLUS美語 (44) (0)
2017-02-04 置頂 Hello again! ~By APLUS美語 (36) (0)
2017-01-21 置頂 106學年度學測英文翻譯及作文解答 By APLUS美語 (32322) (0)
2017-01-18 置頂 In the morning ~By APLUS美語 (81) (0)
2017-01-16 置頂 In-depth assessment for so-called mania ~By APLUS美語 (5) (0)
2017-01-09 置頂 I like dreaming. ~By APLUS美語 (24) (0)
2017-01-07 置頂 The perseverance and determination are... By APLUS美語 (25) (0)
2017-01-02 置頂 Application is the key to everything, especially learning. (25) (0)
2016-11-30 置頂 到底要如何有效的背英文單字? (262) (0)
2016-10-05 置頂 從國小就開始學英文,到就業時卻幾乎派不上用場? (51) (0)
2016-09-09 置頂 Aplus美語高中學測、指考英文班即日起熱烈報名中 (81) (0)
2016-07-02 置頂 105學年度指考英文翻譯及作文解答 By APLUS美語 (9379) (0)
2019-05-14 2019暑假密集班 - 國小課程 (138) (0)
2019-05-14 2019暑假密集班 - 國中課程 (180) (0)
2019-05-13 2019暑假密集班 - 高中及大學課程 (230) (0)
2017-07-13 Innovation – best guarantee for your success. ~By Aplus美語 (6) (0)


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