Suffering: a necessary stage prior to success
Longing to possess our intended success, we are normally by all means interested in seeking our approach to success. As a result, we tend to pay more heed to tactics about success than to suffering, a mental discipline necessary for our wanted success. The fact shows that suffering is inevitable before our success comes into being, for no success can be groundless and effortless. Given this point, we will further delve into this conception to make success more accessible to you soon.
Success is in need of our devotion of time as well as energy. Moreover, we are very likely to encounter a host of setbacks following our inevitable failures. The reason is that at the initial stage we tend to be inexperienced and devoid of ample knowledge desperately needed for our accomplishment. Under such circumstances, we must be fully prepared prior to the advent of suffering viewed as the prerequisite for our final success. In light of this, we ought to possess a much more optimistic, durable attitude to confront what is called suffering, rather than interpreting it as undesirable.
From a distinctive perspective to have a more comprehensive glance at the terminology suffering, suffering can let us truly comprehend the sweetness of success. As a result, we may become more inclined to subdue the suffering we encounter. Once able to have such a wonderful perception, we are able to detest having a shortcut or an effortless success. Buttressed by such a wonderful apparatus, we are able to be immune from the incursion of our susceptibility derived from our unwillingness to get along peacefully with suffering. With the fast-paced variation of our society, people tend to take it for granted that a good life must be distant from so-called suffering. For instance, people, especially during the scorching summer, feel declined to stay in a place without being equipped with air-condition. As a consequence, they may very possibly succumb to any suffering because of their inaccurate life philosophy, followed by the vulnerability that is to hamper their success.
On the surface, though suffering can be irritating to us, its profound positive impact upon us is immeasurable to us. That is, it may keep us stronger than ever and trigger our utmost incentive to remain persevere, for we are quite certain that suffering can pave the way for our better future. In light of this, we have to more appropriately redefine the essence of suffering, instead of succumbing to or being fearful of it. Only by comprehensively adopting suffering unconditionally can we be entitled to become the next candidate good enough to relish what is called success.
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