Describe a dream that you want to fulfill, but cannot.
Among all the dreams is having a sister that I feel like fulfilling most. But unfortunately, rarely can I fulfill this dream, so I wish that I could have a sister who may have me as her most intimate companion for the rest of her life. Stated below are some of the reasons that can literally articulate why I long to have a sister as my dream.
With her company comes my more fascinating life activities where never will I feel the sense of being left alone. More important is that we both may learn many things from each other as we get along with each other. That is, the exchange of our viewpoints will enable us to enormously expand our respective vision, instead of being confined to our own limited perspective. By virtue of exchanging our views, we may more likely identify what is right for us, a situation that can let both of us grow up more rapidly. On the other hand, loneliness is to give way to lots of laughter on account of the emergence of my sister. This can help prevent myself from being isolated in my own ivory tower perceived as undesirable to me.
More important is that because of her existence in my life, I may relish the great opportunity of taking care of someone who means so much to me. In fact, I always acquire love from my parents, so I would like to know what it is like to have a sister to give love to. This great experience is to in turn affect me precisely because I may analyze and perceive life from a totally distinctive perspective that is absolutely instrumental to my life. Indeed, deep in my heart lies my strongest aspiration to have a sister to whom I may provide a sanctuary so that she can grow up with happiness, protection and, in particular, loving care.
Though having a sister is an impractical, impossible dream, I always carry this fantasy with me, in that this dream may let me stay in a world replete with love ready to be granted to someone who means so much to me. As a result, whenever I encounter a boy walking with his younger sister, my smile just comes into being. Instead of envying him for what he has been blessed by God, I will definitely give them my best wishes. Simultaneously, I will thank them for giving me such an impeccable picture that can help eradicate my resentment of having no sister.
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