
第二部分:非選擇題 (40 )

一、翻譯測驗( 1 4 題,每題 4 分,共 16 )

()中譯英(8 )

說明:請將以下短文中劃底線處之中文句子譯成正確、通順、達意的英文,並將 答案寫在「答案卷」上。請依序作答。每題 4 分,共 8 分。

  很多的垃圾最終都流入海洋,1. 海洋中大多數的垃圾由各式各樣的塑膠組成,累積在海洋上的塑膠廢棄物綿延數英里,2.專家指出海洋中的廢棄物對生態非常具有破壞性


1. The vast majority of garbage is composed of all kinds of plastic. 

2. The dumped stuff, as experts pointed out, is exceedingly destructive to the ecology. 


()英譯中(8 )

說明:請將以下短文中劃底線處之英文句子譯成正確、通順、達意的中文,並將 答案寫在「答案卷」上。請依序作答。每題 4 分,共 8 分。

3.Because of global warming, drought has become a common phenomenon in many countries. Biotech companies are investing heavily in breeding drought-resistant crops. 4.These crops play an important role in adapting to climate change. These drought resistant crops will be grown by farmers within five to six years.


3. 因為全球暖化的原因,旱災在許多國家已經變成一個常見的現象。

4. 這些農作物在適應氣候的改變上扮演著一個重要的角色。


二、寫作測驗( 24 )

說明:(1)最近文化部正在徵求「學生創作台灣文化微電影」計畫,你對此計畫案有興趣, 並打算拍攝一部 3 5 分鐘的英語短片介紹台灣文化。

 (2)請以「My Short Video on Taiwanese Culture」為題目,並依下面三個提示寫一篇 約 120 字的英文短文。






This short video is aimed at showcasing farmers’ living condition as well as their significant contribution to Taiwan. And the targeted audience is those foreigners who have never been to Taiwan before. By means of ushering in this short but explicit video, they may become more interested in paying a visit to this small but beautiful country. This video, if well prepared and executed, may provide those foreigners with a full-scale conception with regard to how nice people are in this country, and why this country is definitely worth their visit. For example, the scenery in the country, in my view, will be fairly enchanting and unprecedented to them. The whole scenario, composed of how the farmers’ family goes through a whole day, is to make foreigners stunned by the warmth of people’s authentic smile and the totally green fields. Once accessible to this specially tailored video, they will no doubt contemplate visiting Taiwan for sure.  



洽詢電話: (04)2326-7868






狂賀!!!本班學員於106年全民英檢初級初試 通過率100%


狂賀!!!本班學員於106年全民英檢中級初試 通過率100%















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