1. 自2007年營運以來,高鐵(the High Speed Rail)已成為臺灣最便利、最快速的交通工具之一。
Since its operation in 2007, the High Speed Rail has been one of the most convenient, rapid transportation devices in Taiwan.
2. 對於強調職場效率的人而言,高鐵當然是商務旅行的首選。
For those laying stress upon the efficiency in the job market, the High Speed Rail is definitely the priority for the business trip.
提示︰身為臺灣的一份子,臺灣最讓你感到驕傲的是什麼?請以此為題,寫一篇英文作文,談臺 灣最讓你引以為榮的二個面向或事物(例如:人、事、物、文化、制度等)。第一段描述 這二個面向或事物,並說明它們為何讓你引以為榮;第二段則說明你認為可以用什麼方式 來介紹或行銷這些臺灣特色,讓世人更了解臺灣。
The fact shows that Taiwan has been regarded as one of the friendliest countries among tourists throughout the world. This can be further evidenced by the documentaries released by those renowned news agencies worldwide. From my personal perception come two things that can truly make me feel proud of our country. To start with, democracy, featuring Taiwanese people’s political achievement and wisdom, can be referred to as the first thing that enables me to take pride in our country. The fact shows that people living here can have their own right of suffrage to select their own leaders for the cities or even for their president. By doing this, people’s welfare can be highly valued by the government, rather than being reigned by a tyrannical regime where freedom of speech and election are found nonexistent. No wonder Taiwan has long been regarded by the western statesmen as the paradigm of Asian countries for democracy. On the other hand, hospitality is another thing good enough to make me proud as part of this country. That is, our smiling faces, along with our amicable attitude toward foreigners, have long been perceived as a symbolic trademark of Taiwan. As a consequence, Taiwan, when weighed against other countries, has its peculiar charm among foreigners amongst Asian countries. That is why the number of foreign visitors to Taiwan has been steadily increased recently. Indeed, I feel proud when foreigners can feel at home as they travel in our country, in that we may let them be exposed to the best scenery of Taiwan, namely, people.
Here is what we can do to further promote Taiwan to such a great extent that the people throughout the world can better understand Taiwan. First, we have to know how to reconstruct our infrastructure in the aspects of economy, cultures, transportation and even the environment. Mindless of those things indicated above, we may possibly scare away those potential foreigners and make them turn to other countries like Japan or Korea. More important is that all the people in Taiwan must be united together to dedicate ourselves to the change of our image for the sake of intriguing foreign visitors. By doing this, we may make our country more appealing to foreigners at length.
洽詢電話: (04)2326-7868
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