目前分類:寫作文章 (125)

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Redefine your life


aplusenglish 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Throw your poor English ability to the garbage can


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However beautiful the words you talk about in your mouth, they make little sense if not put into effect.


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A letter to my dearest student called Jack


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Do the right thing


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Depict something that impressed you quite a lot. In the first paragraph, you are supposed to provide a detailed description regarding this issue. Following this, you ought to further portray the inspiration you received out of this issue. 


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Perceive English writing from a far more comprehensive perspective 


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Make yourself fully prepared for your future


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Describe one of the predominant problems occurring in our society in your first paragraph. And you should continue to describe how to resolve this problem faced in our society. 


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The consequence of being a loser


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Something about English writing


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Expand your tentacles


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Please others, not yourself.


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Something you need to know prior to craving for an unrivaled English writing skill. 


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Detest voicing “sorry.”


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Analytical perspective to look at writing exam


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人生當中不如意事十之八九, 請在第一段中描述你的生活中不如意的事, 事情發生的地點, 原委及詳細的內容. 然後在第二段中描述你的因應的方法或感想

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The power of willingness


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